Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December Promotion a new SRSD!

With Great Pride I Introduce our newest
Senior Regional Sales Director!!


Don't stop till you hit the TOP!
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Description: Description: https://www.secure-session.com/files/9/1054625/1444165194/0A7EA65FF3/i/0dwtCONGRATS4.gif

Senior Regional Sales Director!  Really?  Wow!!!  :-)  I am so thankful to God for this incredible blessing. This has been a tremendous learning experience and has really helped me grow as an AmeriPlan leader.  I am truly grateful for the support and encouragement of my upline. To Debbie Hanson, my Enroller, for her constant guidance, mentorship and friendship every step of the way; to Kristie DeGraw who has been the biggest cheerleader for me and my team; and to Janie Jones who has paved the way for our entire team of Freedom Fighters. I couldn't imagine this journey without each of you.  

There is a quote that Kristie DeGraw shared with us that sums up my journey to SRSD. The quote by Babe Ruth says, “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.”  This reminds me of why I am so extremely thankful for my team and especially my very first RSDs: Rose Jackson, Alan and Ana Rhein, and Schree Bell.  I am so proud of each of you!!!  We're not just a team, we're family.  To my husband who is my lifelong business partner and best friend, the Freedom at Home Team, Dennis and Daniel Bloom and the overall AmeriPlan family, thank you all.  I am truly blessed.

To the top!

Inline image 1
Senior Regional Sales Director

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Angela!!  I must say SRSD sure looks good by your name.  I know you heard me all the way in Chicago screaming you did it with this goal.  You claimed it, worked hard for it and earned it.  All while moving to a new home.  This shows dedication and determination on your part.  You have grown so much during this pin level journey.  Hitting some walls along the way but you didn’t let that stop you.  You are such a great leader to your growing team, you have a plethora of knowledge to share with us all.  Overjoyed with this achievement, I truly enjoy being on this bus ride (aka Bullet Train) beside you and sharing goals with you daily.  CONGRATS again on a job well done.  I know you are now racing for ESD so go get’ m TIGER!  Mic drop and BOOM!!

Debbie Hanson
Senior Executive Sales Director

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YAY Angela!! SRSD!!! I couldn't be any happier for you!!  You deserve this title and SO much more!!  I feel so honored to be a part of this journey with you.  You are truly a pleasure to work with.  You are always so positive, upbeat, kind and on a mission! I'm looking forward to the day we see National Sales Director next to your name... it's just a matter of time!!  GAME ON!!

Lots of love,

Kristie DeGraw
Senior Regional Vice President

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