Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Top Producers

1. Kamilya Napoli, RSD
2. Lisa Simpson, NSD
3. Michelle Shipp, RSD
4. Rachel Heke
4.  Renata Belt, RSD
4.  Ruthie Smith
5.  Anne Naipo, RSD 
5. Robert Given
5.  Stephanie Williams
6.  Schree Belle
6.  Christina Totten
6.  Osary James
6.  Juliet Hoggard
7.  Alan & Ana Rhein, RSD   
7.  Angela Valentine, RSD
7.  Chantel Myers
7.  Tara Crable
7.  Tonya White
7.  Ellen Worner
7.  Carrie Jaynes
7.  Shellie Walker
7.  Dominic Rhein

Keep moving forward team as we have new pin & income levels to reach.  If you haven't reached your goal, it's within reach.  One step at a time.  we can do this together!!  So excited we put over our team alone added over 51 new IBO's and 13 new members during the month of November.  Imagine what we can do for December! 

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