Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of Year Stats

This year has been truly amazing.  I sat some pretty high goals for myself and our team for 2015 and with your help they have been made.  Each one of you have played a huge part is getting things done and keepin' it real.  Here are December's shooting stars:

1. Michelle Shipp, RSD
2. Kathie Wright
3. Stephanie Brown
4. Janelle Kaiel
5. Ellen Warner
5. Diane Achatz
5. Carol Clarke
5. Anne Naipo, SRSD
5. Sirgrady Law
5. Sandy Evans

Great job everyone.  As in all business we lost some team members and faced a lot of negativity.  We pulled together and Finished Stronger!! We had so many hit new income and pin levels, 14 new RSD's & 1 SRSD with over 400+ new team members in the organization.  This doesn't include how many members or how much money we saved others, WOW!  what an amazing year.    I am truly blessed to work with each of you every day.  Let's double the pin levels in 2015.  My team call will start again in January and as always my door is always open.  I would love to hear your 2015 goals.  
Don't forget to start watching for the Healthcare challenge details in your email any day now. Also connect in our group on Facebook. 

Have a safe & Happy New Year,

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mid-December Leaders board

1. Michelle Shipp, RSD
2. Kathie Jo Wright
3. Janelle Kaiel
3. Ellen Worner
3. Carol Clarke

Great job ladies!  There is still a lot of December left, keep reaching for your new pin & income level, there is a big bonus on the line.  Don't start your 2015 without finishing your 2014 Strong.  As always my door is always open.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why Not Be Bold?

I want to talk to you and get YOU excited about YOUR business.  No matter if you have been really successful or not, I want you to completely forget it.  The things we have coming out are going to become complete game changers.   I want you to get excited about what is to come.

I want to talk to you about Goal Setting.  I do my goal setting a little different from SMART Goal setting.  It didn't work for me.  I got so frustrated that I didn't even want to make goals anymore.  I took on a different idea about goal setting.  I started setting BOLD goals and my whole life has changed.  It had a lot to do with the way I approached everything.

Smart Goals- specific measurable attainable realistic timely goals are so BORING!  If you just got into Ameriplan as a hobby, if you are going to put the time into it, why not get more out of it?  If you are going to put the same amount of time, energy effort etc.  Why not be BOLDBig Outrageous Legendary Dream goal?  These are fun.  The people that have changed our world in way that blow our mind have developed BOLD goals.  They made bold moves, bold strategies and they put commitment and drive. “All good fortune is a gift of the gods, and you don’t win the favor of the ancient gods by being good, but by being bold” – Anita Brookner.  We are taught to live mediocre, we are taught to be bold.  It doesn’t feel good when you don’t give it your all.  Even if you don’t achieve that goal, you can at least say I gave it my all.

Being BOLD takes courage.  I want you to set goals that make people laugh at you, that make them think you are crazy.  It’s OK.  Steve Jobs was laughed out of his office and fired from his own company for pushing the limits and being bold.  But he changed the world with the IPhone.  Talk to people, break out of your shell, these things require courage.  All these game changers began scared.  We have all been there, but it takes courage to continue.  You have chosen an amazing opportunity to get into Ameriplan.  I know some of what is coming, there is some really good stuff going on behind the scenes.  I encourage you to hang on and let us get in place.  When you put it out there that you want to make $25,000 with this company, it is obtainable, but it does require courage. What if you DID achieve it?  What if you really did start writing 10 memberships per month?  What if you did recruit 10 people a month?  Somewhere down the line we are told that you can’t do these things.  Small children when asked what you want to be when you grow up, they haven’t been told they can’t be something, and it’s a beautiful thing to hear them say they want to be president, or a doctor, a lawyer or in my 8 yr. old son’s case, a chef on the moon because astronauts need to eat.  So my question to you is What if you DID achieve it?  I personally love a challenge.  You can’t be limited to what people tell you that you are limited to.  What if you really did decide to put Ameriplan your #1?  What if you decided that what you wanted to do was retire, go back to college, or buy a new car, house, boat, put your kids through college because of Ameriplan?  It can happen.  I have lived it happen, my husband & oldest son are now college graduates.  It really is possible.  But you have to be willing to say what if I did….and make bold goals.

4 Steps to get started
1.  Why did you join Ameriplan/FAHT?  What did you expect of your business?
2.  How do you want to work your business?
3.  Consider your personal situation – do not COMPARE yourself to anyone!  Comparison is the thief of joy. What do you have going on?  How can you work your business aside from that?  The opportunity is there for you, what are you going to do with it?
4.  IGNORE REALITY – what if money did matter? What if time didn’t matter? What if you had nothing in your way?  Then what would your goal be?  We should all be dreamers.  The beauty in this industry, the more you help others, the more you help yourself.

The million dollar question – Why are you thinking so SMALL?  We are taught we need to bring it down to the social norm.  Be BOLD.  I want you to get excited about your business, your life, your opportunity.  Why are you thinking so small?  You can do great things, you are capable.  Be BOLDBe COURAGOUS.  You are deserving of having a wonderful business, you are capable, we are giving you all the tools you need.  The only thing standing in your way is YOU.  Let’s start thinking BIG!

“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in to the ocean” – Christopher Reeve

Take that bold risk and BE what you want to be.  You aren’t designed to be mediocre.  With your goals, make them crazy, not only in Ameriplan but in your life.  I want you to dare to dream.  Worst case scenario, you won’t hit your goal.  When you don’t mean your small goals, you beat yourself up, because you SHOULD meet them.  When I put in my BOLD GOALS, I dared to dream, and I worked hard to get them and some days I hit them!

Your homework is:

My Goals:
Short Term Goal:______________________________________________________________
Long Term Goal:_______________________________________________________________
Set these goals with everything thrown out the window.  Don’t let time or money stand in your way.  Set them BOLD.  And it doesn’t have to be in business, it could be in your life.  Don’t think small.  These are totally up to you.  Be BOLD, be courageous!

Know we leaders are here every day with you, We want you to be BOLD.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Rising Stars

1. Michelle Shipp, RSD
2. Anne Naipo, SRSD
3. Stephanie Brown, RSD
4. Dee Syphertt
5. Janelle Kaiel

Way to go Ladies.  You took the November promotion and rocked it out!!  I am so very blessed to work with each of you daily.  I see the team is growing and 2015 will be AMAZING!!  Keep up the great work and I'll see you at the TOP.  Be sure to connect in our FB group as well.  Don't forget to make plans for convention in July.  Here is to a very busy December, grab that bonus $$ .. GAME ON!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Ameriplan RX Use

It was recently brought to my attention that its confusing using Ameriplan for your medication benefits.  Here is my experience, as we always find Ameriplan has better prices than using our regular insurance on RX. 

I want to make sure everyone knows how to use Ameriplan for Medications.  If you want to print off a card visit and print out the card using your membership number.   Your group number is your APD***** number listed on the card you right beside your ID#.  Pharmacy's that use us as know us as  Catamaran so when you go to get medicine tell the pharmacy that you are using Catamaran (Ameriplan's RX Plan) and your group number is your phone number.  The group id again is: APDC0001 Make sure your pharmacy flips your card over, there are step by step instructions on how to use card including the BIN# to use.  They must transmit the claim through the point of service system. 

you can view who to go to and how much your going to spend (roughly) at  user name is and password is ameriplan123

You can always go to  locate providers and then in drop down box choose  ameriplan rx pricing to get to the website for catamaran. 
Any issue using the service should be directed to our corporate membership services office, not IBO's, that number is: 888-244-8335

We also offer home delivery options to help save you even more.  Details in your membership portal. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Holidays are here

This time of year may be a signal for some to ease off their business and take a break.  I feel to be a true business there is no time away.  I personally work harder during the holidays, if I know I will miss two days per week then I pick up the hours elsewhere.  Adding them back into the business.  Why you ask? This is a business, not a hobby.  Each of us have certain goals we want to reach before the end of year, before convention.  I feel if we haven't met them yet then we need to push forward, together, to reach them.  The best way to do that is stay in touch, let your mentor know what it is they can help with.  Jump on a training, perfect your advertising and marketing.  No one can do that for you.  Really it all comes down to how bad do YOU want it?
My husband & I are very grateful for every team member in our organization.  We are very grateful being able to work as a couple, from wherever we are.  Building a legacy income for our children.  We want that for everyone which is why we are here everyday, giving back and chasing our own personal goals.  Let us help you.  We are One Team with One Dream.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

October Top Producers

Anne Naipo SRSD
Kamilya Napoli, RSD
Michelle Shipp, RSD
Neco Hamilton, RSD
Renata Belt, RSD
Stephanie Brown
Bernard Baugh
Dee Syphertt
Jackie Forbes-Clarke
Otis Samuel

Congratulations everyone!!  October is now gone and it's time to focus on November.  There is a great IBO promotion starting on Monday.  Chase that $1000 bonus as hard as you can.  Make sure you have plenty of leads coming in so you have people to connect with.  My team goal is to help someone hit a new pin level, will it be you? 

Have a wonderful weekend and get ready to Rock On come Monday. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Shooting Stars!

With great excitement I bring to you my teams top producers for the month of September.  

1. Carol Clarke
2. Janelle Kaiel
2. Michelle Shipp, RSD
3. Lawanda Smith
4. Anne Naipo, SRSD
4. Cheryl Haynes
5. Gretchen Fraser
5. Mark Goins
5. Renata Belt, RSD
5. Sandy Evans, RSD
5. Stacey James
5. Stephanie Williams, RSD
6. Rebecca Couch
7. Angela Valentine, SRSD
7. Gretchen Fraser
7. Dee Syphertt
7. Jesse Legree
7. Neco Hamilton, RSD

Congratulations to each of you shining stars.  September was a great month.  Continue the momentum and push for an amazing October, watch out for Goblins.  We are in for a Ghostly time!!!  GAME ON!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September Mid Month Leaders

Michelle Shipp, RSD
Janelle Kaiel
Mark Goins
Sandy Evans, RSD
Stacey James
Stephanie Williams, RSD
Angela Valentine, SRSD
Jesse Legree
Lawanda Smith

We have a lot of month left in September.  Stay focused and committed to achieve your goals.  GAME ON!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Centennial Club

Centennial Club
Accumulate 100 Points in a calendar month every month for 12 months in a row and receive a bonus of $2,500.00 points earned as follows:
Dental Plus membership:  10 points
AmeriPlan MD Plus  10 Points
Ameriplan Healthcare 10 points
Ameriplan Lifestyle (member)  5 points
Ameriplan LIfestyle (IBO)  5 points

Friday, August 15, 2014

Congratulations RSD Angela Gholston!!

 Introducing our n

Regional Sales Director...
Angela Gholston!

"The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but unto them that endure to the end." It has taken me eight long months to get here. I signed up in December a few weeks before Christmas. When I first started, I didnt know how to fit Ameriplan into my hectic schedule.  I had quit several times every week. I had just gotten my first cleaning contract and I was still working in manufacturing. My son Xavier was suffering from grand mal seizures. He's my main priority and the reason, I wanted to work at home. I knew as a mother and as a woman I had to keep my sanity and push forward. I'm so glad that I decided to stick with Ameriplan. After the convention I decided to work the business and look what happen.
Thank God!
Thank you Lisa Simpson LPT, for enrolling me and cheering us on. Your stuck with me now so deal with it!  Lol! Neco Hamilton you already know. I appreciate you so much,more than you'll ever know. Thanks for trusting a crazy person. Sandy Evans, I 'm so glad I met you at convention. I'm looking forward to working with you. I love my chicks! Go get it!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Mid Month Leaderboard

Congratulations to these team members:

Carol Clarke
Neco Hamilton, RSD
Stacey James
Stephanie Brown
Angela Gholston, RSD
Renata Belt, RSD
Sandy Evans

our Mid-August leader this far. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

8 Steps to success

Eight Simple Steps to get a check in your hands and start working toward RSD... ASAP!!! (big thanks to Kristie DeGraw, NVP)

1.  Get through your six steps on the training. 
2.  Let your enroller know you're done and get your basic questions answered. 
3.  Get on the Tuesday "Step Up 2 Success - From RSD - 25k in your first year", or listen to a recorded version right away.
4.  Start implementing the action plan mentioned on the "Step Up 2 Success - From RSD - 25k in your first year" call
so you can start getting leads TODAY. 
5.  Grab a script and get on the phone. 
6.  Repeat #5 everyday consistently.  Have 3-5 FULL conversations five days a week.

7.  Continue listening to at least two training calls per week... this is where you're going to learn all the tips and tricks from the leaders.

8   Make a commitment to be here a year from now!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

July Top Producers List

1. Stephanie Williams, RSD
2. Michelle Shipp, RSD
3. Neco Hamilton, RSD ** 8 new members as well, Congrats!! 
4. Janelle Kaiel
5. Angela Valentine, SRSD
6. Anne Naipo, SRSD
7. Carol Clarke
8. Evymari Bidot, RSD
9. Jesse Legree
10. Natalie Williams
11. Stephanie Brown
12. Angela Gholston
13. Dee Syphertt
14. Renata Belt, RSD

Congratulations to each of you for pushing through the month of July.  Let's focus forward to a very busy and productive Aug. Back to school time means parents with extra time on their hands.  GAME ON!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Introducing Neco Hamilton, RSD

With Great Pride I Introduce our newest
Regional Sales Director!!
Don't stop till you hit the TOP!
Description: Description:
Description: Description:
Thank God!
I have been a licensed managing cosmetologist for 17 years so as you can imagine joining the AmeriPlan family has presented many challenges for me. Luckily I'm always up for a challenge and only 5 months later I have reached the RSD level!! I wanted to give up on several occasions but I didn't because I knew I had not committed 100%. I realized I had to approach this venture as an extension of my existing business rather than a separate thing. I have been able to offer this opportunity to many of my clients who were in desperate need of assistance. Hearing & reading the success stories of people across the country refuels my passion every day. I so believe in this company & the benefits it provides!

I am so grateful to Angela Gholston for introducing me to this company and being there with me EVERY step of the way! I would also like to thank Lisa Simpson for her encouragement, support & all the late night talks.
I am so proud to be a part of the AmeriPlan family & I look forward to many years of continued success! 

Neco Hamilton
Regional Sales Director

Monday, July 21, 2014

July Mid-Month Stars

Stephanie Williams, RSD
Michelle Shipp, RSD
Janelle Kalel
Angela Valentine, SRSD
Evymari Bidot, RSD
Jesse Legree
Natalie Williams
Stephanie Brown
Neco Hamilton, RSD
Renata Belt, RSD

Everyone is a shooting star shining bright in July! There is still plenty of time in the month to aim for your goal, get on the leaders list.  This is such an exciting time in Ameriplan and I'm beyond thankful to be on this journey with each of you.

Monday, July 14, 2014

New Packages

Membership Packages - starting July 14, 2014

Dental PlusAmeriPlan MD PlusAmeriPlan HealthcareAmeriPlan Lifestyle
Monthly Fee - $19.95
Plus One Time Admin Fee - $20
Monthly Fee - $29.95
Plus One Time Admin Fee - $25
Monthly Fee - $49.95
Plus One Time Admin Fee - $30
Monthly Fee - $99.95
Plus One Time Admin Fee - $40
Includes all persons in your homeIncludes all persons in your home and adds Hospital Advocacy and AmeriDoc. The AmeriDoc program gives you 24 Hour Access to a Doctor by phone or e-mail.Medical and Telemedicine benefits plus all the great benefits of Dental PlusEverything from AmeriPlan Healthcare plus much, much more
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Chiropractic
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Chiropractic
  • Hospital Advocacy
  • AmeriDoc
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Chiropractic
  • Medical
  • Hospital Advocacy
  • AmeriDoc
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Life Line Screening
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Chiropractic
  • Medical
  • Hospital Advocacy
  • AmeriDoc
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Life Line Screening
  • ID Theft Protection - real time monitoring
  • National Child ID
  • Family Legal Plan
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Financial Services
  • AccessSaver (12), CashBackSaver
  • Auto World
  • Auto World Parts & Accessories
  • Conference Calling
  • Dell Computers
  • Dependable Auto Shippers
  • Frames Direct
  • Grocery Coupons
  • Internet Services
  • Office Depot
  • Sprint Wireless Communications
  • Online Coupons

Monday, July 7, 2014

Starting July With A BANG

July top producers this far:

Michelle Shipp, RSD
Natalie Williams
Jesse LeGree
EvyMari Bidgot, RSD
Angela Valentine, SRSD
Renata Belt, RSD
Neco Hamilton, RSD

So excited to see everyone at convention in just a few days.  Big changes are coming and we will be sure to get details out as soon as we can.  Keep up the great work, July has started with a bang!   GAME ON!!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June Top Producers

Proud to announce June's top producers:

1. Michelle Shipp, RSD
2. Kamilya Napoli, RSD
3. Stephanie Williams, RSD
4. Evymari Bidot, RSD
5. Jesse Legree*
6. Anne Naipo, SRSD
7. Sheri Baker
7. Tia Terrell
8. Janelle Kaiel
8. Neco Hamilton*
8. Renata Belt, RSD
9. Carrie Mulholland
9. Charlotte Cunningham
9. Jackie Forbes-Clarke
9. Kathy Cremeans, RSD
9. Patty Fields*
9. Samuel Makua

Congratulations to each of you for the hard work of June.  Let's start this July out with a bang and keep this amazing growth in Ameriplan happening.  We have three IBO's who are so close to RSD... GAME ON!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Leadership details

If you are an RSD and above, we have an additional Training Call Program for you!  It is called the Freedom at Home Team Leadership Council.  We have training calls every Monday morning at 11:00 EST that are hosted by the NVPs on our team!!  These calls are FABULOUS and will definitely take you to the next level of leadership!  If you haven't already started participating, start now!!  If you are not RSD yet, go out there and GET IT DONE!!!  We look forward to inviting you to this incredible training program!  

To receive detailed call and website information, please email your enroller or your NSD.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mid-June Top Producers

Kamilya Napoli, RSD
Stephanie Williams, RSD
Evymari Bidot, RSD
Jesse Legree
Michelle Shipp, RSD
Sherl Baker
Anne Naipo, SRSD
Janelle Kaiel
Tia Terrell
Patty Fields
Ruthie Smith, RSD

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Team Facebook Groups

If you are brand new and have not joined any of our support groups yet, we want to invite you to our Team Pages on Facebook so you can stay connected with the team!
They will be a great tool for your business!

Freedom At Home Team Friends Group - Facebook
A very active group we have on Facebook is
To join this group, you will have to request to be added by one of our group admins. (Theresa Swendra, Kristie DeGraw)
To join this Facebook Group, please e-mail Theresa Swendra @ or Kristie DeGraw @ to receive an invite. Please make sure you let them know your name and the name of your sponsor! Also, let you sponsor know that you requested to be added!

Career and Freedom Group - Facebook
Our other Facebook Team Page is CareerAndFreedom.   Make sure to click the "Like" button, located upper right hand, when you get to this page.

Ameriplan IBO's Group - Facebook
A group for all IBO's in Ameriplan to connect.  The link is: AmeriplanIBOs

These groups are a place to stay connected with your leaders and other team members, a place to ask questions, and a place to find support.  These groups can be used for:

- Asking any questions you have pertaining to your business. You can do this on the wall with a new wall post OR you can submit your question under    the Discussions Tab which is like a forum setting.
- Sharing your accomplishments with us!
- Sharing Photos of yourself or at company events.
- Sharing basically anything you'd like pertaining to your AmeriPlan business!

We're excited to have this in place as a tool where we can stay connected and support each other.
If you do not already have a Facebook account, set one up for free. It's super easy!

When you are on these pages, post a quick "hello" letting us know you're there:)  Our team leaders are always monitoring this page throughout the day to help you:)

Our Team Group: FAHT-Team Hanson Stars  This is a small group, much like the others but easier to navigate for some.

Ameriplan Official Facebook Page
This page will keep you informed about Corporate Calls, Promotions and any upcoming events, news etc.
Make sure to "Like" this page so you can be informed of all the corporate announcements!

Friday, May 30, 2014

May Top Producers

Michelle Shipp, RSD
Stephanie Williams, RSD
Kamilya Napoli, RSD
Patty Fields
Carla Thornton
Anne Naipo, SRSD
Carrie Mulholland
Evymari Bidot, RSD
Kathy Cremeans, RSD
Nora McCullough
Rebecca Foutz
Ruthie Smith, RSD
Sherl Baker
Neco Hamilton
Kathryn McConnell
Felipe Farias
Deirdre Cherry

May was a busy month and each of you worked very hard.  Keep the momentum going throughout summer and your business will be booming by fall.  I am proud of you!  Know that my door is always open if needed.  


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May Top Producers

Kamilya Napoli, RSD
Lisa Simpson, NSD
Michelle Shipp, RSD
Patty Fields
Kathy Cremeans, RSD
Ruthie Smith, RSD
Stephanie Williams RSD

Way to rock out the May promotion.  Let's keep moving forward and aim for our goals.  Together we can do achieve anything!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

A new SRSD on the team

Let me Introduce to you our NEWEST
Senior Regional Sales Director
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Anne Naipo, SRSD
 Wow – I made it to Senior Regional Sales Director.  I had my ups, downs, and close calls, but when you finally make it – it’s a great and sunny day!!!
Before Ameriplan, I dabbled in many things – worked in the corporate world, owned several businesses, and was always involved in direct sales.  Eventually I got tired of party planning, shows, deliveries and having to carry inventory.  Then, I happened to find Debbie Hanson through Facebook.  I inquired about her business and read through all the information – and enrolled.
Operating this business has been rewarding and challenging but so worth it.  There is always tons of support and tips, which was lacking in other businesses.  You would enroll and be left on your own to find a way.  You are working from home, truly making an income for your household, being present for your family needs and with all that – you are solely in charge of your financial future.  What more can you ask for? 
I have met so many amazing people on my journey, Debbie Hanson who always gives me inspiration.  A huge thank you needs to go out to my team, Kathy Coddington, Jamie Bonani, Jill Fenwick, Kristie and Janie just to mention a few. 
Now on to the next challenge…
Anne Naipo, SRSD

Friday, April 18, 2014

Did you miss this?

This weeks Freedom At Home Team meeting was amazing.  If you missed the call you can listen to the recording:

CLICK HERE  this is the interview with Lisa Simpson, NSD, Angela Valentine, SRSD, Anne Naipo, SRSD and myself.  Celebrating titles and pin levels.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

First Quarter Promotions for 2014

Stephanie Williams, Regional Sales Director

Kathy Cremeans, Regional Sales Director

Evymari Bidot, Regional Sales Director 

Carl Clark, Regional Sales Director 

Chantel Myers, Regional Sales Director 

James Stubbs, Fast Track -Regional Sales Director

Ruthie Smith, Regional Sales Director

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Top 10 Producers

1.  Michelle Shipp, RSD
2.  Kathy Cremeans, RSD*
2.  Ervin Rigney
2.  Evymari Bidot, RSD*
2.  Kamilya Napoli, RSD
2.  Lori Scott
2.  Michael Blodgett
3.  Stephanie Wiliams, RSD*
3.  Anne Naipo, RSD
3.  Chantel Myers, RSD
3.  James Stubbs, RSD
3.  Renata Belt, RSD
3  Ruthie Smith, RSD*
4.  Arleen Terto
4.  Carla Thornton
5.  Sheri Baker
5.  Tikima Bowers
5.  Baron Nurse
6.  Ben Lizama
6.  Dania Garcia
6.  Diane Achatz
6.  Donna Kinnaird
6.  Ellen Worner
6.  Kathryn Mcconnell
6.  Kristy Martin
6.  Maria Longoria-Nanez
6.  Neco Hamilton
6.  Schree Bell, RSD
6.  Shaquita Davis
7.  Tommy Vu
7.  Angela Gholston
7.  Chasity Sneed
7.  Susan Jones
7.  Ann-Marie Gordon
7.  David Saucedo
7.  Deborah Williams
7.  Eboni Johnson
8.  Jennifer Griffin
8.  Joseph Young
8.  Shanika Mcreynolds
8.  Shawnee Brown

Congrats to each of you for working so hard during the month of March.  The star by the name is for those that reached a new pin level this month.  I cannot express enough how proud I am of each of you for chasing your dream. Thank you for being part of mine.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mid-March Top Producers:

Michelle Shipp RSD 9, Kathy Cremeans *new RSD* 5, Lori Scott *pending RSD* 5, Anne Naipo RSD 4, Evymari Bidot *new RSD* 3, Stephanie Williams *new RSD* 3, Arleen Treto 2, Chantel Myers RSD 2, James Stubbs RSD 2, Sherl Baker 2, Tikima Bowers 2, Ruthie Smith 2, Ellen Worner 2, Susan Jones 2, Tommy Vu 2, Ben Lizama 1, Carla Thornton 1, Dania Garcia 1, Diane Achatz 1, Donna Kinnaird 1, Michael Blodgett 1, Reneta Belt RSD 1, Angela Gholston 1, Chasity Sneed 1, David Saucedo 1, Deborah Williams 1, Eboni Johnson 1, Jennifer Griffin 1, Joseph Young 1, Neco Hamilton 1

Congratulations to all the new RSD's this far and to everyone chasing your dream.  We still have a long two weeks ahead of us AIM HIGH!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

February Top Producers

2.  Michelle Shipp, RSD
3.  Carl Clark, RSD
3.  Kamilya Napoli, RSD
4. Chareese Wilson
4.  Evymari Bidot
5.  Kathy Cremeans
6.  Stehpanie Williams
7.  Chantel Myers, RSD
8.  Carrie Mulholland
9.  Lori Scott
9.  Renata Belt, RSD
9.  Schree Bell, RSD
9.  Anne Naipo, RSD
9.  Ruthie Smith
10.  Angela Gholston
10.  Angela Valentine, SRSD
10.  Arleen Treto
10.  Dominic Rhein
10.  Donna Kinnaird
10.  Ellen Worner
10.  Joseph Young
10.  Sherl Baker
10.  Tikima Bowers
11.  Shawnee Brown
11.  Soloman Edwards
12.  Ben Lizama
12.  Chasity Sneed
12.  Diane Achatz
12.  Jackie Forbes-Clarke
12.  James Stubbs, RSD
12.  Petrina Cannon
I am blown away by the production of our team.  We added over 124 new IBOs/115 members in February!!  We have many racing for pin and income levels.  The energy is contagious.  Let's keep pushing forward, reaching our goals and make it rain in March!!  
GAME ON!!!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Mid February Leader Board

Michelle Shipp, RSD - 6 ibos, Carl Clark, RSD - 4 ibos, Chareese Wilson - 4 ibos, Kamilya Napoli, RSD - 4 ibo's, Evymari Bidot - 3 ibos, Chantel Myers - 2 ibos, Kathy Cremeans - 2 ibos, Angela Gholston - 1 ibo, Angela Valentine, SRSD - 1 ibo, Anne Naipo, RSD - 1 ibo, Carrie Mulholland - 1 ibo, Dominic Rhein - 1 ibo, Ellen Worner - 1 ibo, Renata Belt, RSD - 1 ibo, Ruthie Smith - 1 ibo/2 members, Sheri Baker - 1 ibo, Stephanie Williams - 1 ibo, Terri Conner - 1 ibo, Trina Bowden - 1 ibo, Chasity Sneed - 1 member, Jackie Forbes-Clarke - 1 member, James Stubbs, RSD - 1 member, Paul Lange - 1 member, Petrina Cannon - 1 member, Soloman Edwards - 1 member.

Great job everyone!  Congrats to those who have achieved their 5 a month.  For those that have not done so yet, there is still time.  I know you can do it.  Make every day count!!  Again we are very proud of this team and how we continue to grow.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Top Producers

  2.  Carl Clark, RSD
 3.  Kamilya Napoli, RSD
 4.  Chantel Myers, RSD
 5.  Angela Valentine, SRSD
 5.  Michelle Shipp, RSD
 6.  Anne Naipo, RSD
 7.  Carrie Mulholland
 7.  Stephanie Williams
 8.  James Stubbs, Fast-tracker RSD
 9.  Heather Whittle
 9.  Kathy Cremeans
 9.  Ruthie Smith
10. Evymari Bidot
10. Lori Scott
10. Renata Belt, RSD
10. Tikima Bowers
11. Alan Rhein, RSD
11. Annmarie Puentes
11. Carla Thornton
11. Catalina Tenorio
11. Daphne Young
11. Ellen Worner
11. Howard Glass III
11. Renee Meyers
11. Susan Jones
11. Trina Bowden
11. Ursula Sexton
11. William Gary
12. Chasity Sneed
12. Dania Garcia
12. Kamisa Lindsey
12. Myron Hollins
12. Osary James
12. Theresa Archuleta

As a Team we added over 141 new IBO's & 146 new members in January.  I am beyond proud of each of you.  Keep up the great work and lets have another amazing month.  I look forward to seeing each of you at convention 2014 GAME ON!!