Monday, November 24, 2014

Ameriplan RX Use

It was recently brought to my attention that its confusing using Ameriplan for your medication benefits.  Here is my experience, as we always find Ameriplan has better prices than using our regular insurance on RX. 

I want to make sure everyone knows how to use Ameriplan for Medications.  If you want to print off a card visit and print out the card using your membership number.   Your group number is your APD***** number listed on the card you right beside your ID#.  Pharmacy's that use us as know us as  Catamaran so when you go to get medicine tell the pharmacy that you are using Catamaran (Ameriplan's RX Plan) and your group number is your phone number.  The group id again is: APDC0001 Make sure your pharmacy flips your card over, there are step by step instructions on how to use card including the BIN# to use.  They must transmit the claim through the point of service system. 

you can view who to go to and how much your going to spend (roughly) at  user name is and password is ameriplan123

You can always go to  locate providers and then in drop down box choose  ameriplan rx pricing to get to the website for catamaran. 
Any issue using the service should be directed to our corporate membership services office, not IBO's, that number is: 888-244-8335

We also offer home delivery options to help save you even more.  Details in your membership portal. 

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