Saturday, November 21, 2015

New plan, new price & leaders

Hello Team,

I hope this post finds each of you healthy & gearing up for a fun family feast next week.  As many of you may have heard on Monday’s corporate call, which can be heard by dialing 712-432-3131 conference code 38219618, we have a plan with a new name and some new prices which go into effect Monday November 23rd, 2015.  Not a huge change so I recommend you don’t stress about it. Also have no worry because come Monday morning all will be available to you in your back office for download & printing.  For those of you on Facebook and part of our teams private group I have uploaded all three files, look under the files tab.  Keep in mind this all goes into effect on Monday November 23rd.

New Leaders as of November 18, 2015 are as follows:

1.  Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2.  Victoria Garcia, RSD
3.  Paula Sanders
3.  Rose Jackson, RSD
3.  Shawnda Burkes
3.  Ashleigh Ryan
3.  Carla Thornton

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.  100% open door policy and my goal is to help you attain your goal of RSD & beyond.  Our team is only as strong as our weakest link.  Together we can achieve more!!

Happy Holidays,

Monday, September 21, 2015

Mid Month Leadersboard

Top Producers for September this far:

1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD *Earned her Ameriplan bag
2. Victoria Garcia, RSD * 1 away from earning her Ameriplan bag
3. Carla Thornton *3 away from RSD
3. Vanessa Williamson
3. Dee Syphertt, RSD
3. Sandy Evans, RSD

Keep up the great work and remember our team contest ends Oct. 1st there is still time left to win an Ameriplan Bag from me.  So much excitement and changes here on the Freedom At Home Team, so many new team members are being added daily.  I’m proud of each one of you and I know you will each hit your goals.  As always let me know if you need anything, my door is always open. 

To Your Success,

Debbie Hanson
Ameriplan® National Sales Director
Freedom At Home Team Trainer
Millennium Club Member
Top 50 ACE Recruiter
Call or Text: 901-231-9246 
Read about our team:
Connect on Facebook:
Hear my Ameriplan Story as featured on Corporate blog: Click Here
Radio Interview: Click_Here

"You can have anything in the world you want if you just help enough people get what they want."  ~ Zig Zigler

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August Leaders Board

1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2. Victoria Garcia, RSD *Team's newest RSD*
3. Carla Thornton
4.Kamilya Napoli, RSD
5. Lana Campbell
5. Sirgrady Law, RSD
5. Vanessa Williamson
5. Abigall Lee
5. Sharon Robinson
5. Timothy Droemer

August was one great month. We had one pin level promotion and several new members & team members added.  Congratulations team!!
That is all in the past now, September is going to be a record setting month in the company.  The New Ameriplan is here, I'm so excited to see where our team is a year from now and so grateful to work with each of you daily. Don't forget our team contest is still in full swing and right now Michelle Shipp, SRSD is one away from winning her Ameriplan bag.  Get your GAME ON and let's change some lives.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

July End Of Month Top Producers

1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2. Ellen Worner, RSD
3. Victoria Garcia
3. Angela Valentine, SRSD
3. Gwendolyn Richardson
3. Sharon Muniz

Congratulations to each of you for having a powerful & successful July. We were busy with convention & gearing up for a busy fall while still enjoying the summer.  August is here which means there are new goals in place & kids are going back to school.  Many of you are so close to reaching your first pin level of RSD and we I am very excited for you.  Let's have a fantastic month and help bring others home to work!!  GAME ON!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

July Mid-Month Leaders

July is BOOMING!!

Mid-Month top producers for July:

1. Ellen Worner, RSD
2. Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2. Angela Valentine, SRSD
2. Victoria Garcia  *2 away from RSD*
3. Gwendolyn Richardson
3. Sharon Muniz

So thrilled to see each of you working your business and achieving goals.  Let’s take everything we learned at convention and make Ameriplan a household name TODAY.  There is still plenty of month left to see your name on the leaders board.  We have room for everyone, Let’s do this.  GAME ON!!

If you are new to our team or reaching for your first pin level, I personally invite you to join me during the Getting to RSD call on Friday mornings at  12 pm ET, 11 am CT. Dial-In Number 1-857-216-6700

Access Code: 804576 This is your step 7 and it’s always a great day to qualify for RSD and have the binding contract sent to you, it really is about Legacy income.  See you on the call. 


"You can have anything in the world you want if you just help enough people get what they want."  ~ Zig Zigler

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June Leadersboard final

End of June Leaders board is as follows:

1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2. Victoria Garcia
2. Angela Valentine, SRSD
3. Ellen Worner
3. Paula Sanders
3. Nichole Alires
4. Patricia Rodriguez
4. Vanessa Williamson 

Great job everyone.  June was one very busy month and I'm sure July will light up the skies!!!  I can't wait for convention to get here and meet so many of you.  Congratulations for a great year in Ameriplan, now it's a new year, new month with new goals.  Let's keep moving onward & upward.  One Team, One Dream!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June Mid-Month Leaders board

June Mid-Month Top Producers are as follows: 

 1. Jessica Ashford, New RSD

1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD & New Millennium Club Member

2. Angela Valentine, SRSD

2. Ellen Worner, New RSD

2. Victoria Garcia
3. Eldren Brown

3. Nichols Alires

3. Patricia Rodriguez
Super excited about the growth of the team and where it's headed. A Brand new ibo promotion announced Monday which levels the whole playing field.  Summer is not a time to take off, it's a time to gain new pin & income levels.  There is still plenty of month left to get your name on this list.  We are One Team-One Dream, I will see you in Dallas.  Game ON!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Introducing Featured Leader of The Month ~ Ellen Worner, RSD

Introducing New Regional Sales Director

Ellen Worner

WOW, I am really excited to have reached this first promotion.  I knew this would happen; I couldn't put a time on the journey, but I knew Ameriplan was a Company I wanted to be with  and I always kept my eye on the end product;  staying with this great Company and realizing success that comes with believing, positive support and willingness of everyone to reach out and help.  I have a very varied work background, but I always knew one day I would work a business from home.  Until Ameriplan, the others I investigated just did not add up. 

My reasons for being here are  because I enjoy learning and working, and I understand the power of continuing to earn, while helping others.   Our Freedom at Home Team makes this possible.   Other reasons are that Ameriplan personifies what America was built on;  the ability for people to have a businesses and succeed with hard work and teamwork.  I feel that this opportunity offers  time for me to enjoy my grown children and young grandchildren which is very important to me, as they proudly encourage me. 

I want to thank Daniel and Dennis for their visionary and the ability for all of us here with Ameriplan to share in it. A big thanks to my enroller, Michelle Shipp who was always there for me; who with Debbie Hanson kept me super focused as I headed to home plate as I got close to RSD and it goes without mention our amazing FAHT and all the training contributions from everyone! 

Ellen Worner
Regional Sales Director

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Key Success Points

Here are some key points I train my organization on when talking about TEAM BUILDING:

1. Never be addicted to the outcome. (Always focus on the ACTIVITY, not the RESULTS!)

2. Never chase, beg, or bug people. (Stop chasing what you can't CATCH! There are MILLIONS of people to talk to. You just need to find them! That's why creating a CONTACT LIST for your target market is important. I have data bases with thousands of people and companies that I created for businesses, HR executives, insurance professionals, as well as recruits, in the U.S. that I use DAILY for my business and teams.) 

3. Manage your prospects expectations BEFORE they join your team and business. 

4. Ask them why their last opportunity didn’t work out so you can avoid those same issues in your organization. (Stop the "cancer" before it spreads throughout your team!)

5. BE THE BEST DARN SPONSOR YOU CAN BE.....PERIOD! (Ask yourself: would YOU join YOU and if you are using a system that anyone can follow, showing up to the major company events, AND be there to help your team, then the answer should be YES!) 

6. If you have a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE, most likely they will never hear about your business or career opportunity. 

7. Don’t manage your team; INSPIRE them. (Teammates don't need to be managed!!)

8. Entitlement is the ultimate enemy of success. (Everyone is a VOLUNTEER in your business, including YOU!!! Everyone is on the same level playing field!)

9. If in-person, after the prospect sees a presentation, ask them “Are you ready to rock?!!” and put your hands up for a HIGH FIVE if in person. (This is the single best closing tactic use to build a massive marketing organization and it makes them feel great and excited!)

10. If you are doing network marketing recruiting over the phone, after the prospect sees a presentation, ask them “What did you like BEST about what you saw (or heard)?”("EXPOSURE is EVERYTHING, but the FORTUNE is in the FOLLOW UP!!!")

11. Prospect while you are out versus go out to prospect. 

12. SMP will cure everything that ails you! (lack of income or recruits, etc.). (SMP = Show More People) 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

May Top Producers

May Top Producers are as follows: 

 1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD *won the teamwork bag*
2. Angela Valentine, SRSD
3. Anne Naipo, SRSD
3. Jessica Ashford * 2 away from RSD
4. Ellen Worner *pending RSD
5. Victoria Garcia
6. Andrea Brown
6. Andrea Fagan
6. Lenore Anaele
6. Paula Sanders 
6. Vanessa WIlliamson
7. Patricia Rodriguez
8. Jaime Cruz
7. Neco Hamilton, RSD
8. Tomekia Wallace
May was such an A-Ma-Zing month.  We added so many new team members with the ibo promotion. I'm so very proud of every one of you for the hard work, dedication & determination.   May is now gone and it's time for June.  Let's keep this amazing growth in Ameriplan going... GAME ON. Though we do not know what the future holds, I see each of you at the very TOP!  Congratulations and plan to be busy this summer as our future is bright.  One Team - One Dream!!!  I look forward to meeting everyone at convention in July.   *list as of May 31st, 2015 9pm CST*

Friday, May 15, 2015

May Mid-Month Shooting Stars

May Mid-Month Top Producers are as follows: 

 1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2. Angela Valentine, SRSD
3. Ellen Worner *super close to RSD
3. Jessica Ashford  *super close to RSD
3. Patricia Rodriguez
4. Andrea Brown
4. Lenore Anaele
4. Vanessa WIlliamson
4. Victoria Garcia
5. Jaime Cruz
5. Neco Hamilton, RSD
5. Tomekia Wallace

I am beyond excited seeing each of you working smart & attaining your goals.  Proud to be standing beside you as ONE TEAM, ONE DREAM.  I look forward to this list growing as the month continues.  Congratulations everyone 

Debbie :)