Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of Year Stats

This year has been truly amazing.  I sat some pretty high goals for myself and our team for 2015 and with your help they have been made.  Each one of you have played a huge part is getting things done and keepin' it real.  Here are December's shooting stars:

1. Michelle Shipp, RSD
2. Kathie Wright
3. Stephanie Brown
4. Janelle Kaiel
5. Ellen Warner
5. Diane Achatz
5. Carol Clarke
5. Anne Naipo, SRSD
5. Sirgrady Law
5. Sandy Evans

Great job everyone.  As in all business we lost some team members and faced a lot of negativity.  We pulled together and Finished Stronger!! We had so many hit new income and pin levels, 14 new RSD's & 1 SRSD with over 400+ new team members in the organization.  This doesn't include how many members or how much money we saved others, WOW!  what an amazing year.    I am truly blessed to work with each of you every day.  Let's double the pin levels in 2015.  My team call will start again in January and as always my door is always open.  I would love to hear your 2015 goals.  
Don't forget to start watching for the Healthcare challenge details in your email any day now. Also connect in our group on Facebook. 

Have a safe & Happy New Year,

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mid-December Leaders board

1. Michelle Shipp, RSD
2. Kathie Jo Wright
3. Janelle Kaiel
3. Ellen Worner
3. Carol Clarke

Great job ladies!  There is still a lot of December left, keep reaching for your new pin & income level, there is a big bonus on the line.  Don't start your 2015 without finishing your 2014 Strong.  As always my door is always open.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why Not Be Bold?

I want to talk to you and get YOU excited about YOUR business.  No matter if you have been really successful or not, I want you to completely forget it.  The things we have coming out are going to become complete game changers.   I want you to get excited about what is to come.

I want to talk to you about Goal Setting.  I do my goal setting a little different from SMART Goal setting.  It didn't work for me.  I got so frustrated that I didn't even want to make goals anymore.  I took on a different idea about goal setting.  I started setting BOLD goals and my whole life has changed.  It had a lot to do with the way I approached everything.

Smart Goals- specific measurable attainable realistic timely goals are so BORING!  If you just got into Ameriplan as a hobby, if you are going to put the time into it, why not get more out of it?  If you are going to put the same amount of time, energy effort etc.  Why not be BOLDBig Outrageous Legendary Dream goal?  These are fun.  The people that have changed our world in way that blow our mind have developed BOLD goals.  They made bold moves, bold strategies and they put commitment and drive. “All good fortune is a gift of the gods, and you don’t win the favor of the ancient gods by being good, but by being bold” – Anita Brookner.  We are taught to live mediocre, we are taught to be bold.  It doesn’t feel good when you don’t give it your all.  Even if you don’t achieve that goal, you can at least say I gave it my all.

Being BOLD takes courage.  I want you to set goals that make people laugh at you, that make them think you are crazy.  It’s OK.  Steve Jobs was laughed out of his office and fired from his own company for pushing the limits and being bold.  But he changed the world with the IPhone.  Talk to people, break out of your shell, these things require courage.  All these game changers began scared.  We have all been there, but it takes courage to continue.  You have chosen an amazing opportunity to get into Ameriplan.  I know some of what is coming, there is some really good stuff going on behind the scenes.  I encourage you to hang on and let us get in place.  When you put it out there that you want to make $25,000 with this company, it is obtainable, but it does require courage. What if you DID achieve it?  What if you really did start writing 10 memberships per month?  What if you did recruit 10 people a month?  Somewhere down the line we are told that you can’t do these things.  Small children when asked what you want to be when you grow up, they haven’t been told they can’t be something, and it’s a beautiful thing to hear them say they want to be president, or a doctor, a lawyer or in my 8 yr. old son’s case, a chef on the moon because astronauts need to eat.  So my question to you is What if you DID achieve it?  I personally love a challenge.  You can’t be limited to what people tell you that you are limited to.  What if you really did decide to put Ameriplan your #1?  What if you decided that what you wanted to do was retire, go back to college, or buy a new car, house, boat, put your kids through college because of Ameriplan?  It can happen.  I have lived it happen, my husband & oldest son are now college graduates.  It really is possible.  But you have to be willing to say what if I did….and make bold goals.

4 Steps to get started
1.  Why did you join Ameriplan/FAHT?  What did you expect of your business?
2.  How do you want to work your business?
3.  Consider your personal situation – do not COMPARE yourself to anyone!  Comparison is the thief of joy. What do you have going on?  How can you work your business aside from that?  The opportunity is there for you, what are you going to do with it?
4.  IGNORE REALITY – what if money did matter? What if time didn’t matter? What if you had nothing in your way?  Then what would your goal be?  We should all be dreamers.  The beauty in this industry, the more you help others, the more you help yourself.

The million dollar question – Why are you thinking so SMALL?  We are taught we need to bring it down to the social norm.  Be BOLD.  I want you to get excited about your business, your life, your opportunity.  Why are you thinking so small?  You can do great things, you are capable.  Be BOLDBe COURAGOUS.  You are deserving of having a wonderful business, you are capable, we are giving you all the tools you need.  The only thing standing in your way is YOU.  Let’s start thinking BIG!

“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in to the ocean” – Christopher Reeve

Take that bold risk and BE what you want to be.  You aren’t designed to be mediocre.  With your goals, make them crazy, not only in Ameriplan but in your life.  I want you to dare to dream.  Worst case scenario, you won’t hit your goal.  When you don’t mean your small goals, you beat yourself up, because you SHOULD meet them.  When I put in my BOLD GOALS, I dared to dream, and I worked hard to get them and some days I hit them!

Your homework is:

My Goals:
Short Term Goal:______________________________________________________________
Long Term Goal:_______________________________________________________________
Set these goals with everything thrown out the window.  Don’t let time or money stand in your way.  Set them BOLD.  And it doesn’t have to be in business, it could be in your life.  Don’t think small.  These are totally up to you.  Be BOLD, be courageous!

Know we leaders are here every day with you, We want you to be BOLD.