Friday, January 24, 2014

January Top Producers so far

1.  Kamilya Napoli, RSD
2.  Carl Clark, RSD
3.  Michelle Shipp, RSD
4.  Angela Valentine, SRSD
5.  Chantel Myers, RSD
5.  James Stubbs, RSD
5.  Stephanie Williams
5.  Anne Naipo, RSD
6.  Heather Whittle
6.  Kathy Cremeans
7.  Lori Scott
7.  Ruthie Smith * 2 away from RSD
7.  Tikima Bowers
8.  Annemarie Puentes
8.  Ellen Worner
8.  Howard Glass III
8.  Renee Meyers
8.  William Gary
9.  Chasity Sneed
9.  Dania Garcia
9.  Kamisa Lindsey
9.  Theresa Archuleta

Beyond excited about the growth on the team as a whole.  Great promotion month & amazing time to build your business.

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