Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Top Producers on the Team

Top Producer:
Lisa Simpson, NSD

Top IBO & Member Recruiters:
1. Lisa Simpson, NSD
2. Renata Belt, RSD  - New RSD as of March 2nd!!
3. Angela Valentine, RSD
4. Devona Edwards
4. Michelle Shipp, RSD
5. Darren Palmer
5. Kimberly Dimock
5. Sharon Chang
5. Tabitha Pennon
5. Karen Bain
5. Ashley Curtis
5. Kia Alston
5. Rose Jackson
5. Sable Morris

Thrilled about our teams growth during the month and know great things will be happening during April.  Keep up the great work everyone.  I’m so proud of each of you and looking forward to adding more names to the list as the team grows!  Make each day count!! And Keep Moving Forward!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Overcoming Objections

(Here's some information from our training site that may help you with your prospecting.  Please feel free to share if you'd like.)


It's important to understand that in the vast majority of cases where a prospective associate raises an objection to becoming involved in AmeriPlan, it's the result of one of four underlying concerns:

*  The company
*  The product
*  The marketing plan, were not explained clearly enough for them to arrive at a decision.
*  Their involvement,  They don't understand how they can make money with our company.
Although it is important to talk about our companies credentials and our services, it is also very important to focus on your prospect and "find out"  why they are looking for work at home.

Are they looking for work at home so they can:
*  Be at home with their family?
*  Supplement their income?
*  Worried job security?

Our job is to listen and find out what is their problem. Once you know their problem, you can then  show them how Ameriplan is the solution.  If you can show them  "what's in it for them", then you got yourself a great business partner.

Always invite them to come and listen to training calls.  It's free for them to attend and they can determine if our company is a match for them.
 When answering your prospect's objections:

Listen carefully. Never interrupt.
Never argue with your prospect. Appreciate the reason for their objection, or repeat their objection so you clearly understand what they are saying.

Use words like feel, felt, appreciate, understand, realize.

For example:
I understand why you feel that way.  Or I can truly appreciate what you're saying or I felt the same way myself until I realized that...
Your response should always be brief and to the point.

Once you responded:
ASK: Does that answer your question? or Does that make sense to you?
You want to get  lots of "yes"

Here are several common objections and the appropriate responses you can use.
YOUR RESPONSE:  Yes, I was also looking for a "work at home job".  However, after several years, I figured it out. There are not that many "jobs" in the internet, if they were, we would all be working at home for them!  So that is why I stop looking for jobs and I'm with AmeriPlan.
Ameriplan has been in business for 20 years.
I work on my terms, I get lots of training and I can make part time or full time income. 


OBJECTION:  Is this a pyramid scheme?

YOUR RESPONSE:  Absolutely NOT, Pyramid schemes are illegal.  If we were a pyramid scheme, all the major pharmacies and vision centers would not be associated  with Ameriplan.


I need to talk about it with my spouse

YOUR RESPONSE:  Absolutely!! please go and talk to your spouse.   Show him the link to the BBB, the 60 minutes special and  Good Morning America featured our company.
REASSURE HIM that you will NOT lose money.  You guys are going to GAIN a lot.  Educate him that...
* You get a huge home office deduction simply by working at home.   i.e.  right off internet, electricity, printer, computer payments!
OBJECTION:  I don't have the money.
YOUR RESPONSE:  I know how you feel.  I also didn't have the money  and that is why I'm here with AmeriPlan!  
I was tired of telling my kids, "I can't afford that" and I was tired of watching my spouse work 60 hours a week.
The way I look at it,  life has two roads. I can stay on the road I am right now, or I can turn and go down the other road. The road I was in was not very pretty so I turned to the other road and I started working for Ameriplan.  I borrowed the money from my credit card and the first check that I made, I paid off that balance on my credit card.
If I didn't have a credit card, I would of borrowed the money and called back to enroll!

OBJECTION:  I don't have enough time.

YOUR RESPONSE:  We have many people that are working outside the home or people that have  5 children and they have very busy schedules but they work their Ameriplan business on their lunch break, while they are doing errands just so they can build that full time income at home so they start enjoying life.
By the way, I also didn't have time.  But the way I look at it.  Time is going to come and go anyway.   Might as well build the business NOW,  so in a few years I'll be celebrating oppose to regretting.


I'm not a salesperson.
Good, because you don't have to be. Most successful people in our business don't have a sales background. We are in the business of giving people information and educating people about our company.  We actually are giving people a GIFT.  A gift to own something that belongs to them and their families.  If you can follow a script and attend our training calls, you will do awesome!

I want to think about it.
YOUR RESPONSE:  I know how you feel. I felt the same way. I will email you the link to the BBB, the 60 minutes special and my website.  Do you mind if I put  you on my address book and invite you to our training calls.  You can join our training calls and YOU can determine if you want to work for our company.     I will also call you within a week.
OBJECTION:  I'm not interested.
YOUR RESPONSE:  I can appreciate that. I'm sure the timing is not good now. But let me ask you a question. You wouldn't mind if I keep in touch with you and keep you up to date on what's going on with me, the company, and the industry, would you?
Then put them in your address book and forward our daily newsletter to them!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New IBO's START HERE! - Game Plan to RSD

If you are a Brand New IBO, and just finished your first 6 steps on the training website, please read below to get started!

We are so excited for you and your new AmeriPlan® business!!
It is our goal and priority to help YOU succeed!!
Okay, let's get you started on a Fast Track to Regional Sales Director!

As you know, you will need to enroll 10 memberships to reach RSD. (This could be 10 members or 10 IBO's or a combination of both.  ANY TYPE of membership counts towards the 10!)

The best way to start aiming for this promotion is to be consistent, set a goal date and let us know what it is! That way we can help you reach it! :)

The #1 most important thing for you and your success is to stay in touch with your enroller at least once a week!! If you have Yahoo Instant Messenger please add your team leaders so you can communicate with them when you need to. (If you don't have Yahoo Messenger, you can download it, HERE! It is free and great tool to stay in touch with the leaders!)
If you prefer to communicate with us through Facebook, you can ask your team leaders for their Facebook link or you can join our Facebook Support Group HERE! (Make sure to click "Like" when you are on the page, so you can become an active member of the group!)

Ask questions! Lots of questions! It shows us that you want to learn and grow! You will succeed more if you keep learning!

Have you set up your Focal Point Marketing System? Make sure you have that done before you continue on with the following steps! Please remember that this advanced marketing system is the reason why our Team is the #1 Team in AmeriPlan® !

If you need help and have questions, we are here to assist you!
When setting up your Focal Point system, please remember to add your enroller's email address to use as a referral! If you are not sure what e-mail they used for this purpose, please ask!

If you have completed the first 6 steps and you're wondering what's next, please attend our Start Simple, Finish BIG call on what your next steps are and how to get into profit mode right away!

When: Every Friday 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Host: Patti Triplett, National Sales Director
Call in information:
712-432-3100 Access Code: 210796

Or Listen to a Recorded Version (click on the file below):

We know when you are first getting started, you may feel overwhelmed with all the training and think "there is just way too much, I'm never gonna get to start working" and even "I don't have the time for this". First, that's a normal feeling and second, you do not have to wait until you are done with your training to get started working. Don't expect to know everything before you start working, you will learn as you earn. Hands on is always the best training. A very common mistake that we see, is people spending entirely too much time training and not working. So, we encourage you to start working tomorrow whether you know everything yet or not. You can do it!!

There are so many ways to generate leads. You will want to order your free leads from the training site . (Ask us for password)

If you don't have enough people to talk to in the beginning but are eager to work, let your enroller know that you are ready and ask if they could send you some leads to get started working with!
We want to help you succeed and we are all very happy to send leads to those that are working!

Here are a few action steps that you can start implementing today to get on a fast track to RSD:

Online Methods:
For a sample list of Free Online Classified Sites and some Sample Ads please Visit our training site at: password: please ask the person who enrolled you
Once you are on the training site, go to the "Marketing/Reference Library" and click on "Online Advertising"

For member leads, we recommend placing ads on sites like,, etc. Works VERY well for our team members. Post under the "services" section or "community". Keep the ad simple! You also have a dental capture page in your focal point system. You will want to use this when advertising!!

So, those are a few "online" things to get you started.

For local advertisin:
We recommend placing flyers, business cards and brochures around town. So you will need to get your materials in place if you plan to work your local market. You can find some great flyers on the training site that you can print off on your printer at home. We recommend the dental 1/3 flyers (so you can easily place them around town)
You can order 250 free business cards at:
For additional marketing material samples for Vistaprint, please visit our team site at and click on "Success Tools".

Also, there is a grand opening e-mail on the training site that you can e-mail out to everyone you know letting them know you have started a business so you can let them know what you are offering. These are awesome!!! Even if they don't enroll right away, your name will come to mind if someone needed benefits in the future! Many of us still have enrollments trickling in from the e-mails we sent out this way.

Now that you are generating leads you need to know what to say when they call or you're ready to call them. To learn everything you have to know about the company, you need to pick a script from the training site so when a prospect asks you a question, you can answer them. All the scripts are great but it's important to find one that kind of fits your personality and easy for you to remember. If you are planning to give full presentations on the phone to your prospects about our opportunity, we recommend Kristie Wooten's long script. There are also member scripts on the training website.

We have a method that works great and we highly recommend to anyone that is really crunched for time. This method is the "Overview Method" and does not involve full presentations over the phone! If you are interested in learning about the details of this method, let your upline know and we'll be happy to provide this information for you!

As you are generating leads and talking to people everyday about the biz opp or about the benefits, it's important to keep refining your skills. I encourage you to continue listening to a minimum of 2-3 training calls per week. Staying plugged in to our training is HUGE!!!  All of us leaders still listen to training calls every week. Until we are #1 in this company, we still need training! Also, it's extremely important to stay connected to your enroller and your upline, never feel as though you are "bugging" or "bothering" us.  That's why we are here, to help guide you and we enjoy hearing from you.

None of us can imagine where we would be in our businesses if we hadn't stayed in touch with our enroller or upline on a daily or weekly basis. The ones that keep in touch with us are the ones promoting! It makes all the difference!

Well, that will give you a great head start on your path to Regional Sales Director!!
We know you can and will do this! You have greatness in you, that's why you're here with us!!!! We believe in you! 

Most importantly, we are here for you to help you, to train you and to guide you so you can succeed!  If you have any questions, just send them our way, we are always happy to help!  :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

AmeriPlan Convention is coming

AmeriPlan Convention is coming

This is on our corporate blog.  Online registration will be opening soon.  Plan to attend and take your business to a whole new level.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mental Toughness

20 Ways to Get Mentally Tough
at Work, in Sports and Life ~ Jon Gordon

1. When you face a setback, think of it as a defining moment that will lead to a future accomplishment.

2. When you encounter adversity, remember, the best don’t just face adversity; they embrace it, knowing it’s not a dead end but a detour to something greater and better.

3. When you face negative people, know that the key to life is to stay positive in the face of negativity, not in the absence of it. After all, everyone will have to overcome negativity to define themselves and create their success.

4. When you face the naysayer’s, remember the people who believed in you and spoke positive words to you.

5. When you face critics, remember to tune them out and focus only on being the best you can be.

6. When you wake up in the morning, take a morning walk of gratitude and prayer. It will create a fertile mind ready for success.

7. When you fear, trust. Let your faith be greater than your doubt.

8. When you fail, find the lesson in it, and then recall a time when you have succeeded.

9. When you head into battle, visualize success.

10. When you are thinking about the past or worrying about the future, instead focus your energy on the present moment. The now is where your power is the greatest.

11. When you want to complain, instead identify a solution.

12. When your own self-doubt crowds your mind, weed it and replace it with positive thoughts and positive self-talk.

13. When you feel distracted, focus on your breathing, observe your surroundings, clear your mind, and get into The Zone. The Zone is not a random event. It can be created.

14. When you feel all is impossible, know that with God all things are possible.

15. When you feel alone, think of all the people who have helped you along the way and who love and support you now.

16. When you feel lost, pray for guidance.

17. When you are tired and drained, remember to never, never, never give up. Finish Strong in everything you do.

18. When you feel like you can’t do it, know that you can do all things through Him who gives you strength.

19. When you feel like your situation is beyond your control, pray and surrender. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.

20. When you’re in a high-pressure situation and the game is on the line, and everyone is watching you, remember to smile, have fun, and enjoy it. Life is short; you only live once. You have nothing to lose. Seize the moment.

What mental toughness strategies would you add to this list? Join the conversation on my blog, Facebook Page, or Twitter

Monday, March 18, 2013

New RSD to our Team!!

With Great pride I Introduce to you our NEWEST
Regional Sales Director
Renata Belt!!!

I was introduced to Ameriplan by Lisa Simpson, NSD, in October of 2012.  I left my full-time job at a hospital in June of 2012 and was searching the internet for a legitimate opportunity to work from home when Lisa called me.  I knew I wanted to be able to help to make a difference in the lives of others, but I did not want to go back to another job working for someone else.  I knew this was the opportunity for me because I could feel Lisa’s energy over the phone.  She talked about what a great company Ameriplan was and explained the positions that were available.  It was exactly what I was looking for and I said sign me up, and the rest is history.

I have enjoyed working with a team of people who truly cared about my growth and success in a way that I had never seen before. It was such a pleasure to find a place to work with people who reached back to assist in helping others succeed.

I want to thank Dennis and Daniel for having the wisdom and knowledge to provide this awesome opportunity for so many.  I also want to thank Lisa Simpson, Janie Jones and Debbie Hanson for all their help, encouragement and inspiration.

Renata Belt
Regional Sales Director

Friday, March 1, 2013

February Top Producers

Top Producer:
Lisa Simpson, NSD
Top IBO & Member Recruiters:

1. Lisa Simpson, NSD
2. Angela Valentine, RSD – New RSD as of February 2nd!!!
3. Michelle Shipp, RSD – New RSD as of February 18th!!
3. Devona Edwards
4. Renata Belt
5. Leigh Ann Lunsford
6. Tabitha Pennon
6. Tiearra Liggins
6. Cheri Campbell
6. Heather Ensley
6. Kimberly Dimock
6. Shelby Rojek
6. Jodie Benson

Thrilled about our teams growth during the month and during this promotion.  Keep up the great work everyone so proud of each of you.  Looking forward to adding more names to the list as the team grows!  Make each day count!! GAME ON!!!