Sunday, May 31, 2015

May Top Producers

May Top Producers are as follows: 

 1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD *won the teamwork bag*
2. Angela Valentine, SRSD
3. Anne Naipo, SRSD
3. Jessica Ashford * 2 away from RSD
4. Ellen Worner *pending RSD
5. Victoria Garcia
6. Andrea Brown
6. Andrea Fagan
6. Lenore Anaele
6. Paula Sanders 
6. Vanessa WIlliamson
7. Patricia Rodriguez
8. Jaime Cruz
7. Neco Hamilton, RSD
8. Tomekia Wallace
May was such an A-Ma-Zing month.  We added so many new team members with the ibo promotion. I'm so very proud of every one of you for the hard work, dedication & determination.   May is now gone and it's time for June.  Let's keep this amazing growth in Ameriplan going... GAME ON. Though we do not know what the future holds, I see each of you at the very TOP!  Congratulations and plan to be busy this summer as our future is bright.  One Team - One Dream!!!  I look forward to meeting everyone at convention in July.   *list as of May 31st, 2015 9pm CST*

Friday, May 15, 2015

May Mid-Month Shooting Stars

May Mid-Month Top Producers are as follows: 

 1. Michelle Shipp, SRSD
2. Angela Valentine, SRSD
3. Ellen Worner *super close to RSD
3. Jessica Ashford  *super close to RSD
3. Patricia Rodriguez
4. Andrea Brown
4. Lenore Anaele
4. Vanessa WIlliamson
4. Victoria Garcia
5. Jaime Cruz
5. Neco Hamilton, RSD
5. Tomekia Wallace

I am beyond excited seeing each of you working smart & attaining your goals.  Proud to be standing beside you as ONE TEAM, ONE DREAM.  I look forward to this list growing as the month continues.  Congratulations everyone 

Debbie :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Featured Leader Of The Month

Wow!  I am SO honored to be featured as the Leader of the month!  Thank you Debbie and to everyone on the team.  My name is Michelle Shipp, dedicated wife and busy mother of four precious girls ages 2-11.  They are my WHY as to why I work from home alongside this fabulous company and dynamic team!  AmeriPlan has truly been my “better way” for finding a solution for taking care of my family and upholding a solid career.  My journey for home based positions started after I was laid off my standard job in Human Resources.  I was working long days and very stressed as I was caught in the “rat race” in corporate America.  After going through lots of interviews and finding dead end home based positions, I felt stuck.  Gratefully, I was introduced to AmeriPlan in 2012 by a close friend and jumped on-board soon after.  This company had all that I was looking for…solid credentials, a much needed service, residual income, team support and the opportunity to work right from my home.  It couldn't get ANY better that that!  Now everyday I am absolutely excited to be working my business while helping others from home.  I am able to DREAM BIG again just like a child and pursue goals that a standard job just couldn't’ fulfill.  This business has not only changed my career lifestyle for the better but also it has positively enhanced my personal character and family life. I have learned that with working from home alongside AmeriPlan, I am in COMPLETE control of my career and can take it as far as I would like it to go through consistent hard work.  There is SO MUCH potential and opportunity just waiting for me and for anyone who wants it, works it and sticks around.  I am blessed and grateful each day that I have FINALLY found my FREEDOM AT HOME!  :-)

Monday, May 4, 2015

May's Rising Stars so far

May's rising Stars this far:

Angela Valentine, SRSD - 3 new team members
Michelle Shipp, SRSD – 2 new team members
Andrea Brown
Jessica Ashford
Vanessa Williamson

I love how everyone is stepping up their game during the promotion and going for new pin and income levels. So proud of each one of you and looking forward to the list growing as the month continues.  For new IBO’s remember for the month of May everyone receives double centennial points which means with 5 new team members (100 points) you CAN reach RSD.  GAME ON!!!