Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Leadership details

If you are an RSD and above, we have an additional Training Call Program for you!  It is called the Freedom at Home Team Leadership Council.  We have training calls every Monday morning at 11:00 EST that are hosted by the NVPs on our team!!  These calls are FABULOUS and will definitely take you to the next level of leadership!  If you haven't already started participating, start now!!  If you are not RSD yet, go out there and GET IT DONE!!!  We look forward to inviting you to this incredible training program!  

To receive detailed call and website information, please email your enroller or your NSD.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mid-June Top Producers

Kamilya Napoli, RSD
Stephanie Williams, RSD
Evymari Bidot, RSD
Jesse Legree
Michelle Shipp, RSD
Sherl Baker
Anne Naipo, SRSD
Janelle Kaiel
Tia Terrell
Patty Fields
Ruthie Smith, RSD

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Team Facebook Groups

If you are brand new and have not joined any of our support groups yet, we want to invite you to our Team Pages on Facebook so you can stay connected with the team!
They will be a great tool for your business!

Freedom At Home Team Friends Group - Facebook
A very active group we have on Facebook is
To join this group, you will have to request to be added by one of our group admins. (Theresa Swendra, Kristie DeGraw)
To join this Facebook Group, please e-mail Theresa Swendra @ or Kristie DeGraw @ to receive an invite. Please make sure you let them know your name and the name of your sponsor! Also, let you sponsor know that you requested to be added!

Career and Freedom Group - Facebook
Our other Facebook Team Page is CareerAndFreedom.   Make sure to click the "Like" button, located upper right hand, when you get to this page.

Ameriplan IBO's Group - Facebook
A group for all IBO's in Ameriplan to connect.  The link is: AmeriplanIBOs

These groups are a place to stay connected with your leaders and other team members, a place to ask questions, and a place to find support.  These groups can be used for:

- Asking any questions you have pertaining to your business. You can do this on the wall with a new wall post OR you can submit your question under    the Discussions Tab which is like a forum setting.
- Sharing your accomplishments with us!
- Sharing Photos of yourself or at company events.
- Sharing basically anything you'd like pertaining to your AmeriPlan business!

We're excited to have this in place as a tool where we can stay connected and support each other.
If you do not already have a Facebook account, set one up for free. It's super easy!

When you are on these pages, post a quick "hello" letting us know you're there:)  Our team leaders are always monitoring this page throughout the day to help you:)

Our Team Group: FAHT-Team Hanson Stars  This is a small group, much like the others but easier to navigate for some.

Ameriplan Official Facebook Page
This page will keep you informed about Corporate Calls, Promotions and any upcoming events, news etc.
Make sure to "Like" this page so you can be informed of all the corporate announcements!